How to Capture Video in Unity 2D Game

How to Capture Video in Unity 2D Game

This tutorial will simply walk you through how to set up Video Capture plugin to record a 2D game in Unity. The version of Unity used is 2019.4.0f1.

You will need a game, of course, I am using the Unity awesome 2D Game Kit as an example, which you can download here.

Then, download and import the Free version of Video Capture, or purchase the Pro version on Asset Store.

Third, place Video Capture prefab in your scene. Set capture from the screen is the easiest way to capture a 2D game, and don’t forget to attach DontDestroy.cs script if the capture session includes loading a new scene.

Play the game and start the video record session.

Finally, play your video!

This is just a very basic getting started guide, please visit the document for more details and usages.

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